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Fact or Faked Fans Twitter
Est. 7/23/10
My Syfy Followers:
Followed by the Entire Cast of Fact or Faked:
Ben Hansen (@BenHansen00), Bill Murphy( @BillPMurphy), Austin Porter (@AustinRPorter), Larry Caughlan, Jr. (@larrycaughlan), Chil-Lan Lieu (@ChiLanLieu), Jael de Pardo (@JaeldePardo), Devin Marble (@devinmarble) Lanisha Cole (@MissLanishaCole)
& Other Syfy Shows Cast: Ghost Hunters International: Kris Williams (@KrisWilliams81), Barry Fitzgerald (@BarryGHI), Paul Bradford (@GHIPaul) Joe Chin (joe_ghi) Scott Tepperman (@ScottGHI) Ghost Hunters: KJ McCormick (@MistaKJ), Destination Truth: Josh Gates (@joshuagates) Erin Ryder (@erinRyder13) Rex Williams (@Rex_Williams) Face Off Host: McKenzie Westmore (@McKenzie_Westmor)
Syfy's President of Original Content, Mark Stern (@Stern3000)
Aaron Sagers (@AaronSagers)
Est. 7/23/10
My Syfy Followers:
Followed by the Entire Cast of Fact or Faked:
Ben Hansen (@BenHansen00), Bill Murphy( @BillPMurphy), Austin Porter (@AustinRPorter), Larry Caughlan, Jr. (@larrycaughlan), Chil-Lan Lieu (@ChiLanLieu), Jael de Pardo (@JaeldePardo), Devin Marble (@devinmarble) Lanisha Cole (@MissLanishaCole)
& Other Syfy Shows Cast: Ghost Hunters International: Kris Williams (@KrisWilliams81), Barry Fitzgerald (@BarryGHI), Paul Bradford (@GHIPaul) Joe Chin (joe_ghi) Scott Tepperman (@ScottGHI) Ghost Hunters: KJ McCormick (@MistaKJ), Destination Truth: Josh Gates (@joshuagates) Erin Ryder (@erinRyder13) Rex Williams (@Rex_Williams) Face Off Host: McKenzie Westmore (@McKenzie_Westmor)
Syfy's President of Original Content, Mark Stern (@Stern3000)
Aaron Sagers (@AaronSagers)